Coronavirus / Covid-19

We are continuing to celebrate science and creativity in every corner of Essex but to keep everyone safe only events held online can be booked until further notice.

Keep checking back as more digital events and activities are being added all the time.

Best wishes and keep safe.

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|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every week that begins at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, repeating until September 23, 2020

/ Online - ZOOM Free

Essex Virtual Choir - Echoes from Essex

Join electric voice theatre and Chelmsford Theatres every Wednesday from July 29th to Sept 23rd to sing in the Essex Virtual Choir and celebrate remarkable women in science and music from Essex’s past and present. Part of the Echoes from Essex Minerva Scientifica festival.


The choir is now closed to new members.


Music has been created especially for this project with British female composers and you will help to shape some it too - so it’s a chance to take part in something exciting and unique.


Do you know stories of local women who work (or have worked) in Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths or Medicine?
Please click here and fill a short form. The details given will be included in a piece of work called ‘Forgetting to Remember’. It would be fantastic for us to be able to champion as many local women as possible.